What types of arts and education initiatives do you fund?

Special emphasis is often given to projects addressing social justice topics and to those serving a wide range of socio-economic groups. Examples of our funding in each area include:

• Visual arts: Underwriting exhibits or exhibit documentation
• Performing arts: Sponsoring choreography, performances, and programming

• K-12 private, charter and public schooling: Scholarships, programming, curriculum development, professional development
• Internship support during high school, college and post-collegiate periods

Do you have a minimum grant amount?

Our grants range from $5,000 to $25,000 with select multi-year commitments.

Can I submit more than one application a year?

We limit grant awards to one per year per organization. If an initial grant proposal does not receive funding, organizations may submit a second request within the same calendar year.

If I was funded last year, can I apply for funding for the same project this year?

We welcome you to apply once annually. AE&E Fund is unlikely to fund commitments at the same organization for more than 3 consecutive years without a 1-2 year break.

If I am fiscally sponsored, what are the expectations of a fiscal sponsor?

Fiscal sponsors are required to stay involved in the entirety of the grantmaking process. For more in-depth overview of responsibilities, please click here.